Wow... Does That Chick Have Purple Hair???

I think that an introduction is definitely due by this point... I've had this blog for a few years and had a MySpace one before that. My life is changing rapidly now and I'm sure that my blogging style will as well. Please bear with me, I'm not sure where these changes will take me, I'm a little scared, but
excited too...

I hope you all continue to follow me on my journey!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Demanding an explanation...

I woke up this morning and my toothbrush was in the trash. I am pretty angry about this. I'm going to have to go in to work early , buy a toothbrush and toothpaste, and brush my teeth in the bathroom at work. I don't even know why it's in the trash. Gary had to have thrown it away last night after I went to bed. I just used it last night after dinner. I am absolutely irritated.
I forgot to post yesterday, not there was much of anything to report. My in-laws backed out of watching the kids on race day, so I may not be able to go... I am really upset with them about that. They decided that having time with each other was more important than spending time with their grandkids. This is the one time we've asked them to watch them. Forget them, they'll never be asked to again. I'm sick of how they treat the boys. They did offer to pay someone to watch the kids... Then they said that they found someone else to watch them... No thanks, I am not up for letting a stranger watch my kids, that's just not going to happen. I've been searching for someone that I can trust to watch the boys, but no luck so far. I don't want to have to miss this, but I'm not seeing another choice. I don't know...
Well, time to get ready for work... And to ask the husband why on earth he threw my toothbrush in the trash!

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