Wow... Does That Chick Have Purple Hair???

I think that an introduction is definitely due by this point... I've had this blog for a few years and had a MySpace one before that. My life is changing rapidly now and I'm sure that my blogging style will as well. Please bear with me, I'm not sure where these changes will take me, I'm a little scared, but
excited too...

I hope you all continue to follow me on my journey!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The whole story...

So here goes. I am going to attempt to tell you what has been going on at work. Most of you who read my blog know that I have had a whole mess of issues there anyhow, so you won't be entirely surprised.
I got my "Decision-Making Day". For anyone who has worked at Walmart or know anyone who has, you know that this is your day where you are supposed to sit at home and write a letter about how you intend to change your behavior so that you will be able to keep your job. It didn't quite happen that way for me...
I'll start by telling you how my day started. I went into work, and for the first time in over a week, my supervisor was actually there! She didn't call in! I was excited. I went straight to work and was trying hard to get along with her and not say anything about her excessive amount of absences. Seriously, this woman should get an award for missing so much work and still managing to keep her job. Anyhow, about an hour and a half after into my shift, I get pulled into the office and I'm told what a bad employee I am. I have missed so much work... I missed April 25th (the day after Gary's surgery), I went home early two weeks ago because I had a migraine that brought me to tears, and I called in for Kyle's doctor's appointment after requesting it off twice and it being rejected twice. Three absences, two and a half if you want to get technical about it, since everything else has fallen off because it was longer than six months ago. Well, while he's telling me what a bad employee I am and all that good stuff, I'm just smiling and laughing... He tells me to consider this my decision day, go home, think about it, and write my letter. I went home alright... I made a few phone calls, decided to go look for another job, and then I wrote A LETTER. Keep in mind, that while I was upset, I was not near upset enough to just quit. So I wrote the "sassiest" (I'm trying to keep the words friendly) letter I could. According to the few that were lucky enough to read it, it was a page and a half of telling my boss off while still keeping my job.
That evening, after driving around with Tabby in search of a new job, I was talking to Gary about it all and we decided that Walmart just was not an option anymore and that I needed to take a more proactive approach to finding a new job. We got on and looked at some postings. I made a phone call and set up an interview for next week with one job. I then sent in my resume to about 250 other jobs. Please keep in mind that every time I sent in a resume, I got an email from the website and sometimes from the company. My inbox was full for hours! I called some of the companies yesterday that really peaked my interest. I got three more interviews set up! The best part of all of them is that they are Monday through Friday jobs, so I will have weekends with my family again!
Well, Jeremy pulled me into the office yesterday so that he could read my letter and all that fun stuff. That was an interesting experience. I don't think he liked it and he felt the need to argue back, it just didn't work for me. He then asked me to type up my letter into the computer system. The entire time I'm typing, I'm thinking to myself "Why on earth did I write such a long letter?" It did keep me off the sales floor for a while though. I then got a lecture about how what goes on in the managers' office is supposed to be held confidential and he didn't appreciate me broadcasting what we talked about back there... I'm sorry, I didn't realize that me getting a "D-Day" was such a big deal... Everyone knows anyhow. They see you come to work, they see you go to the office, they see you leave. "Gee... I wonder what happened to them???" It was around this time that I started concocting just how I will quit my job. I came up with the perfect plan. It's completely original and I bet no one has ever done it to my boss before... I promise I'll tell you what it is when I do it, but I just don't want to right now...
I will however post a copy of my "D-Day" letter in a little while. I've got to take care of the kids right now though... Micheal is on his 3rd bowl of cereal, and I'm pretty sure there's something not right with that.
Talk to you all later!

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