Wow... Does That Chick Have Purple Hair???

I think that an introduction is definitely due by this point... I've had this blog for a few years and had a MySpace one before that. My life is changing rapidly now and I'm sure that my blogging style will as well. Please bear with me, I'm not sure where these changes will take me, I'm a little scared, but
excited too...

I hope you all continue to follow me on my journey!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Happy Independence Day to everyone out there! If you know someone in the service, be sure to tell them thanks for everything they do so that we are able to live with all of our freedoms.
Now on to the subject that I left off with, my new job! I had yesterday off from work, so I spent some time with my family. It's been a while since I've had days off because they surrounded a holiday. It was amazing! I'm going to back up a little bit though to the last day of my work week... Thursday!
Thursday was when I got my own territory and was able to go out on my own to work with customers. The morning was rough... I didn't talk to any customers that I could help. It was probably more of the area that I was in than anything else. I finally took a break for lunch and relaxed for a little bit. Then I found a building with over 40 businesses in it and tried to visit each one of them... No luck with any of them either. I drove down the street some, found one that had called and complained before about one of our reps making her bill go sky high. Went in to talk with her, she asked how to know if I really worked with AT&T and I was trying to explain that to her when she went ahead and got the phone bill out. I don't know a whole lot about it, but I do know that her bill was nearly twice what it should have been. I did the math really quick and then called our billing department for a little more information. I found out that she was within 90 days of her contract being up, so I definitely could help her, then got her a quote together. She was ecstatic about it so I got to work. Now throughout all of this I didn't really think that I was helping myself very much... Just keep in mind that I am salary plus commission.
When I was getting ready to head back to the office I was proud that I was able to actually help one customer, but I was a little down that I had only done one thing to earn commission, and it was only $9. I called Leslie, my supervisor to figure out exactly how to tally my end of day numbers. I explained that all I really did was upgrade the high speed internet and she asked why I said "All I really did" so I told her that I moved all ten lines to the new local plan that was a lot cheaper and that all of those lines got like 6 new features because of it. She nearly screams with excitement at me... I can't figure out what's going on and please keep in mind that I still have a little bit of the Walmart mentality so I asked what I did wrong. She's telling me that I get commission for every line that I moved the the new plan (a retained line fee) and for every new feature (6 features times 10 lines), so by this point I am nearly in shock while trying to do the math in my head...
I got back to the office and was congratulated by my boss as soon as I walk in the door. Then he tells everyone that they need to get ready for spankings because the new girl is kicking @$$ and taking names, I beat everyone's numbers that day and broke a record for my first sale! I nearly started crying and told my boss that I had been in the wrong business for far too long now...
What all of this is getting to is the fact that I made more in one day than I used to make in one week at Walmart!!! I can't believe it, it's so exciting! I know next week will be even better, as I can only get better from here... It's just really exciting to think that I will never have to work at Walmart again and that I am working for such a great company that rewards me for doing good instead of finding a way to bring me down...
Well, until next time....

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I LOVE comments! And the people who leave them!!! So tell me what you think...