Wow... Does That Chick Have Purple Hair???

I think that an introduction is definitely due by this point... I've had this blog for a few years and had a MySpace one before that. My life is changing rapidly now and I'm sure that my blogging style will as well. Please bear with me, I'm not sure where these changes will take me, I'm a little scared, but
excited too...

I hope you all continue to follow me on my journey!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm excited!

Gary's birthday present will be delivered today! I got him a new laptop bag. It's ACU fabric and really nice from what I can tell. I hope he likes it...
He got up early with me this morning. I'm getting very irritated with him... He keeps knocking me offline. It's like he thinks he knows everything about everything and I know nothing. I can't stand him when he gets like this... It's not like he acts this way all the time, just every once in a great while, but it's enough to make me want to rip his head off...
I need to do my schoolwork, but since he keeps knocking me offline, it's not exactly easy to do... I'm just hoping that he gets this fixed before he heads off to work.
Yay... Internet's back!
Kyle has a doctor's appointment today... I'm calling in to work here in just a bit. It's stupid to have to do that seeing as how I asked for today off, but I don't even really care anymore... I'm just thankful to be taking an extra day off. I'm wondering if the poor kid is going to get another prescription for his allergies. I hope not... I'd like to be told that he'll get past whatever this is that keeps bothering him.
Micheal is going to hang out at daycare today. He really needs to learn to behave when he's over there. His attitude is actually worse when he's there than when he's at home. At least when I'm there to witness it...
We're getting cable installed between 3:00 and 5:00 today. I wish I could say that I was excited about that, but I truly am not. I am going to miss my DVR. I just feel like making cutbacks right now is the responsible thing to do.
Well, I need to get going and rush Gary out of here to work...

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