Wow... Does That Chick Have Purple Hair???

I think that an introduction is definitely due by this point... I've had this blog for a few years and had a MySpace one before that. My life is changing rapidly now and I'm sure that my blogging style will as well. Please bear with me, I'm not sure where these changes will take me, I'm a little scared, but
excited too...

I hope you all continue to follow me on my journey!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Jamming out...

I am trying desperately to get some schoolwork done right now, but between the kids screaming, Gary's tv, and the website not allowing me to log on, I'm getting discouraged fast. So right now I'm doing something that I haven't done in a very long time: Listening to my music as loud as I can turn it and just having fun. I think it does some good... I can definitely feel my stress level going way down. Of course, the music has a lot to do with it... I mean, how can you be stressed when you're listening to Toby Keith, Lady Antebellum, and Joey & Rory.
For those of you who didn't already know it, I am very much a country girl. When I'm not listening to country, it's rock, but I don't have that on the laptop right now... I'm a little limited on my selection because I really don't want to fill my hard drive with just music.
Okay, now I'm going to try resetting my password with school, even though I know that shouldn't have changed... It's taking forever though. I hate this, I really need to get my schoolwork done.
Gary sent me a link for a future job for me today... I don't know if he was serious or not about whether he really thought I'd be interested, but it did peak my interest. It would be working with troubled youths, just not the way I had originally been thinking of. We had a program similar to the one he sent me start up at my first high school. I used to feel so bad for the kids that were put into it, it was like being in boot camp, but still in school. They were forced to wear black sweats and the program was really tough on them. looking back on it now though, I feel like they were probably these kids' last chance before they got out into the real world and made mistakes that weren't so easy to correct. I wouldn't mind doing something like that. I already know that I don't have a problem with people hating me, I make people hate me everyday at work. At least maybe one day these kids might be thankful for me.
All I know for now is that I'm going to keep working my butt off, I want my kids to be proud of me, and I don't believe that Walmart will do that...

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