Wow... Does That Chick Have Purple Hair???

I think that an introduction is definitely due by this point... I've had this blog for a few years and had a MySpace one before that. My life is changing rapidly now and I'm sure that my blogging style will as well. Please bear with me, I'm not sure where these changes will take me, I'm a little scared, but
excited too...

I hope you all continue to follow me on my journey!

Friday, March 13, 2009

So nice to have my laundry room back...

I don't really remember if I posted or not, but we no longer have Snow. We gave her to someone who desperately wanted her, but then he turned around and gave her away. Anyhow, all is said and done, we no longer have our kitty cat. I have to say that I was quite happy for her to be gone. I miss her sometimes, but yesterday I was able to do something that I couldn't do when she was here... I planted seeds in their little greenhouses and put them in the laundry room! The laundry room used to be Snow's home, so I couldn't have done it if she were still here unless I wanted to wake up with my plants all over the floor.

So, here are my seeds:
I know it's crazy, but I'm all excited about it, as I said yesterday I'm planning my garden. I can't wait to get out in the dirt and play... I'm looking forward to relaxing. Of course, I actually mapped it out, so hopefully it will look a lot nicer than last year's gardenning experiment.

My banana boys:
That was the only thing that I was able to get Micheal to eat. Notice the chicken tender on the paper towel that had not been touched... Poor guy.

Kyle got his as a reward for cleaning all the food off his tray! We also made Micheal laugh for the first time since he got sick by wearing stickers on our foreheads all through the store and when we got home for dinner. I actually forgot about mine until I went to the bathroom and saw it...
Speaking of Micheal: He has a new thing for hats. We get ready to go somewhere and he says "My hat!" and whines until I find it for him. Then, he says "Mama, HAT!" and I have to put one on too... The kid makes me smile. He also got to talk on the phone yesterday, and actually talked! He talked to my mom. He said "Hi Grandma!" and "Love you!" and "Bye, bye." along with a lot of other words that I couldn't understand. Then when it was time to get off the phone, he started crying, so we called Big Gary. He got to talk to his "Pop Pop" and was thrilled. By the time he got off the phone with him, it was close to time for bed, so we got ready and he went straight to sleep, although he kept talking about "Mammaw" and "Pop Pop" until he finally closed his eyes...
Well, I need to go... Grey's Anatomy is done and I've now moved on to my recording of Private Practice, so I know I should be getting ready for work...

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