Wow... Does That Chick Have Purple Hair???

I think that an introduction is definitely due by this point... I've had this blog for a few years and had a MySpace one before that. My life is changing rapidly now and I'm sure that my blogging style will as well. Please bear with me, I'm not sure where these changes will take me, I'm a little scared, but
excited too...

I hope you all continue to follow me on my journey!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Ahhh... The weekend.

I don't know why the thought of the weekend seems relaxing right now, I don't have a day off until Wednesday. It does though. Thank God it's Friday! I get to sleep late tomorrow and Sunday, so I guess that's a plus, although I won't take advantage of it. I like getting up and doing my schoolwork, getting all of that stuff out of the way before I really start my day helps me out, I don't stress as much.
I'm trying right now to figure out how I can come up with money for a new dining room table without selling my stock. I bought the one I have as a get me by until I could get something else, but I'm really beginning to dislike it. I want something that can seat more people. Whenever someone comes over, we have to sit in the living room to eat and I just really hate that. I've already found the table that I want, I just need about $200 more... And then an excuse for why. Gary doesn't think it's a necessity, and granted, he's probably right. I just really want it.
Well, time to get the kiddos up... Yay.

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